Do not use the brush in the bottle to apply the adhesive. This only serves to contaminate the adhesive with the patient's bacteria.
Spread a thin layer of (rubber base) adhesive over the tray and over all the compound borders.
We presume that the tray and the border molding make a precise fit to the tissue. Therefore it is important to add a thin veneer of rubber base (impression material) over the tray, including at least three millimeters over the buccal and lingual borders.
(Your beading wax will be placed three millimeters from the depth of the fold. These three millimeters should be covered with impression material.) Cover the compound.
Make sure you thoroughly mix the impression material. If not, the poorly mixed area of the impression will come out rough. Of course you can't mix the rubber base without a large mixing pad and a mixing spatula.
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©1999 by Julius Rosen, D.D.S.